Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kismet: Campaign Rules

 Below are the guidelines used to shape the feel of Kismet's characters, the marked difference from the standard PHB options is the removal of the non-human races and an additional background pick.  I'll do a break down class by class, establishing where they stand in the setting.

  • Kismet is a human-centric setting, all the PC belong to one of the following races:Human, Genasi (a mixed bloodline of human/genie, elemental powers), Tiefling (human/devil hybrids, from Irrem, the city of pillars,) and Goliath (giant humans from heathen lands.)
  • If your race has less than +3 total ability modifiers, add another point to one of your abilities.
  •  Substitute the languages in the PHB with the following options: Trade, Salt, Pillar, Sword, Coin, Dune, and Silk

  • All classes in the PHB are available, there are some strings attached to them.  See below:
  •  Bardic Colleges all have an initiation before you become a member and gain the benefits.  The College of Lore demands a rare tome from barbaric lands.  The College of Valor requires you to win a match at a Fight House.  The College of Honey holds the Feast of Flowers.
  • Clerics' affiliation with the 7 Virtuous Ones is on display in their clothing. Men of the cloth are vegetarian, consumption of meat will cause loss of station as it denotes a spiritual stain.  Restoration of spiritual powers would either require great acts of contrition or conversion to Druidism.
  •  So on, and so forth.  I'll embellish these further on with class specific elaborations.

Ability scores
  • Allocate 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 across your 6 stats.
  • Characters in Kismet choose 2 backgrounds, rather than just one.  This represents the broad life experience of the characters and the Caliphate's cosmopolitan society.
  • Feats are available in Kismet, everything in the book is open.
Moments of Heroism
  • A character starts with 5 hero points at 1st level. When you gain a level, your total resets to 5. Hero points can be spent to add 1d6 to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, or to turn failure on a death saving throw into a success

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