Friday, December 20, 2019

Borchardbriar: The Resistance

The Resistance
Why do you fight?

Did they snatch your young? Or did your da' take your place? Does a Wyldbreaker lean on you for "protection" money? Are you just trying to make some quick coin? Inspired by an unlikely bard in the public house? Or easing the hurt in the world?

There's a gash in things these days, you can see it with your eyes. Everyone's at least a little hungry. An ache in your stomach spreads through your bones. A weariness you just can't shake like rot on fruit. A grey-green bruise on your soul.

While it might all be falling to pieces 'round our ears, it doesn't have to be.

That's why I fight.

The Means
How does your Cell oppose Reynard's regime? Choose one of the options below: 
  • Agitate - Flare tempers.
  • Sabotage - Break stuff.
  • Liberate - Release folks.
  • Terrorize - Sow fear.
When you perform actions in line with your Cell's Means, roll an additional Wild Die. You still use the highest result.
The Network
Who is on your side? Choose 2 of the options below:
  • Yasmine - The Gunsmith. Has a new method for creating Salamanderdust she needs to perfect.
  • Sebastien - The Patrician. Holds sympathies with the working families who pay most of the Tithe.
  • Toni - The Pot-Stirrer. Born under dubious signs, things never go smooth.
  • Keith - The Medium. Chased out of Stonebones, he claims to hear the dead.
  • Cass - The Raconteur. Spins a yarn so fine the oak tree bends to listen. Wanted for sedition.
  • "Lucky" Luci - The Gangleader. Gathered disenfranchised youth for mutual defense.
  • "Miss Kitty" - The Madam. Operates a feralhouse where genteel folk can stretch their claws and behave badly.
  • Horace - The  Merchant. Snakebite's illegal but that doesn't mean thirst went away.
  • Roland - The Stevedore. The biggest paws and the strongest back down on the Docks.
  • Aderfi - The Explorer. From the Burning South, been to Manykings and seen the Edge.
  • Pedro - The Astronomer. Used to be a navigator but retired from salt spray to soft soil. Owls cluster close.
They will do Minor Favors for you without cost but Major Favors cost Food.

Your starting Rep is 0

Your starting Resistance is 0 

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