Saturday, March 27, 2021



Borchardbriar characters don't need to spend time combing over inventory and gear lists. Instead choose one partisan package and one equipment package to get right into the action!

PARTISAN PACKAGES - A selection of weapons and armor for fighting back and keeping you alive. Some may limit the maximum size of your Gear die.

Banneret's Berth- A short sword, a medium shield, plate corselet, and heavy helm. Survivor's guilt. (Reduce Gear die by one step)

Big Tom's Arms - A great axe and boiled leather jacket. A bad reputation.

Duelist's Tools - Any two one-handed melee weapons and light leather jacket. Something to prove. (increase Gear die by one step)

Hurler's Pride - Nine thrown weapons, a small shield, and boiled leather jacket. Steady paws. (increase Gear die by one step)

Meow Street Runner's Standard Issue - Any one-handed melee weapon, a small shield, leather cap, boiled leather jacket and either a kosh or sling. The Badge. (Reduce Gear die by one step)

Poacher's Bush Kit - Any ranged weapon and 20 units of ammunition, a quiver, a knife, and light leather jacket. This morning's catch.

Safeguard's Aegis - A battle axe, a large shield, and chain shirt. Nagging sense of deja vu.

EQUIPMENT PACKAGES - Mundane tools and equipment your revolutionary will need. Each package includes a Gear die, you roll the Gear die when you need something no bigger than your paw. Trades and bargains apply modifiers to your Gear rolls.

Merchant's Stock & Trade- Formal garb, blanket & bedroll, map, flint and tinder, 3 torches, and 3 pieces of sample stock. Gear d8

Fat Cat's Luxury- Formal garb, 50 bd worth of jewelry or other adornment, waterskin, and d4 entourage.  Increase the other Package's Gear by a die step (Only available without a Partisan Package, but you may select an additional Equipment Package).

Scholar's Study- Normal garb, backpack, mortar and pestle, 2 barkbound books, quill, and ink. Gear d6

Ruffian's Kit- Normal garb, backpack, bedroll, tinderbox, shovel, and waterskin. Gear d4

Hedgewise Trade- Normal garb, backpack, ceremonial clothing, flint and tinder, mortar and pestle, and three doses of either Catmint or Daybreak Gear d4

Cat Burglar's Bindle- Normal garb, grappling hook, lockpicks, and 10' rope. Gear d6

Vicar's Craft- Formal garb, blanket & bedroll, 2 vials of sacred oil, and a prayer book. Gear d6 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Sorry thing have been quiet here. Expect more Titans and Borchardbriar One Sheets in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here's some loose Edges I had rattling around. I don't know if they have a home yet. We'll see.

REQUIREMENTS - Martial Artist, Block
You may take an action and swing your weapon in a protective swirl. Your Parry becomes the Difficulty to hit you with Ranged Attacks.

When you hit the room, all eyes on you. When your Action Card is a Jack or higher, enemies out in the open roll Smarts or suffer from the Distracted condition.

REQUIREMENTS - Martial Artist, Spirit d8+
Your kung-fu fluctuates temperatures wildly from scorching heat to biting cold. When you successfully make an unarmed Attack with a Raise, you may forego the extra d6 of damage and force nearby enemies to make a Vigor roll at -2 or suffer Fatigue.

After undergoing esoteric tutelage you strike at the very essence of your opponent. Your unarmed attacks deal damage against living enemies' base Toughness, ignoring Armor and other bonuses.

REQUIREMENTS - Investigator, Scholar
We get it. You did the home reading. At the start of each combat encounter, you gain a "lore counter" which can be spent to:

  • Show your home work. Reveal all the Edges, Powers or Special Abilities of an enemy.
  • Have the right amulet ready. Add +4 to a Resist roll vs. a Power.
  • Hit the sweet spot. Add +d6 damage to a successful Shooting attack.

REQUIREMENTS - Seasoned, Improved Arcane Resistance
Your very presence calcifies reality and makes magic more difficult. Increase the cost of all Powers by 2 Power Points.

You're always prepared with some dirty tricks. At the start of each combat encounter, write down an Action on an index card and keep it hidden. When someone performs the written action, you may reveal what you've written and declare they've activated your trap card. They now suffer from the Vulnerable condition until the end of your next turn.

REQUIREMENTS - Novice, Fast Healer
Through specific breathing patterns, you recover from exhaustion faster than others. When you Soak, you may recover lost Fatigue in addition to negating Wounds.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 The real risk of losing Accord is uncontrolled transformation as the Land's wild magic uses your flesh as a canvas. But maybe a little monstrosity is fine, given the stakes. When you lose points of Accord, you temporarily gain a Tinge. Draw a card for each point lost and apply the card of your choice, gaining the corresponding Tinge. At your next Advancement you can choose to keep the Tinge instead, otherwise it blows away on the wind. Be sure to conceal you Tinges, the Wyld Breakers are always on the look for Folks meddling with the Old Times.

If your Accord reaches 0 then you're lost until the next full moon as the wild magic overwhelms you. The GM takes control of your character and draws 4 cards, applying all corresponding Tinges. . Draw a card for each point lost and choose one to apply.

WARMBLOODED TINGES (Hearts and Diamonds)

A - Your sense of smell becomes incredibly sharp. You gain a +2 on all Survival and Notice rolls involving scent.

2 - Small quills grow along your arms and back. With effort you can sprout more. You gain the damage field power with 10 power points and activated with Vigor.

3 -  The night calls to you. You're at home in the darkness. You require half the sleep of normal Folk.

4 - Your jaws and teeth become as deadly as any blade. You gain a bite attack that deals Str+d8, if you already have a bite attack then increase the damage to Str+d10.

5 - Sound betrays your surroundings, revealing objects and creatures to your incredibly sensitive ears You have no penalties in low light conditions but suffer a -2 to Resist sonic based attacks.

6 - Your limbs lengthen and taper into long, graceful limbs. Gain +1 Reach & increase your Pace by 2.

7 - From your brow erupts a crown of horns & antlers. This natural weapon deals Str+d6 AP 4 damage.

8 - Your constitution becomes incredibly robust and your vital organs keep trucking regardless of damage. Called shots deal no extra damage and you're immune to poison.

9 - The dumb Beasts of forest and field acknowledge you as lord among them. Gain the Beast Bond Edge and the animal companion that comes along with it. The companion has 1 Tinge so draw a card from the Action Deck.

10 - You grow a prehensile tail or two. Gain an extra non-movement action per round at no multi-action penalty.

J - Wings sprout from your back. Feathers or leather, your choice. Gain the ability to Fly at Pace +3.

Q -  Magic rolls off you. Gain the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge, regardless of requirements, and deal +4 damage to Sorcerers and Abominations.

K - You're a conduit to the Bad Old Days, calling upon the shades of deceased Folk to aid you. Gain the summon ally power with 10 power points and activated with Spirit.


A - Gills blossom along your neck. You cannot drown in water and gain a +2 to all swimming related tests.

2 - A flashy, colorful crest that draws the eye and beguiles the weak-willed. +2 to Trick with Persuasion and Intimidate.

3 - Your toes bind to even the sheerest surfaces. You gain the Wall Walker trait and can scramble up sheer and inverted surfaces at your full Pace.

4 - Your jaws grow thick with bone and muscle. You gain a bite attack that deals Str+d6, if you hit with a Raise then you deal 2d4 bonus damage. If you already have a bite attack then the damage does not increase but you still get the bonus damage on a Raise.

5 - The skin of your paws become brightly hued with warning. With a successful Touch Attack, the victim must roll Vigor or suffer a level of Fatigue.

6 - Pits open beneath your nostrils, allowing you to sense heat. You gain Infravision, halving low light penalties when attacking creatures that give off heat.

7 - You can shoot blood out of your eyes. Suffer a Fatigue level to cause all Folks and Beasts to make Fear checks within 10 ft. at a -2 penalty.

8 - Your skin/fur changes color and blends into the background. You add +2 to Stealth checks when standing stock still.

9 - Your tongue stretches and becomes adhesive. You gain the entangle power with 10 power points and activated with Agility. 

10 - Lost limbs will regenerate but your new limbs are brightly colored and moist. You will need to water them. You can make a Healing roll once per day to recover lost wounds.

J - A tortoise shell hardens around your torso. Gain Armor 2, if you already have a shell it becomes Heavy Armor.

Q - Anybeast with coldblood in their veins can be brought under your sway. You gain the beast friend power with 10 power points and activated by Survival. It even works on Folk, but at a penalty equal to half their Smarts die. You can increase it later like any skill.

K - In time, you could be King of All Monsters. Increase your Size by 2.